About Us
The Challenge
Youth unemployment is one of South Africa’s biggest challenges.
Even with improved education access, nearly 50% of learners who start Grade 1 do not complete Matric. Over half of graduates get their first job via their networks. Young people who finish Matric but have no or limited economic networks have fewer post-school opportunities and are more likely to end up not in employment, education, or training (NEET).
The longer a young person stays out of work, the lower their chances of ever working and the more likely they will be trapped in poverty.
Tackling the youth unemployment challenge requires a broad approach that addresses the multiple barriers that disadvantaged youth face.
YearBeyond’s Response
In 2014, YearBeyond was piloted as a flagship programme of the Western Cape Youth Development Strategy. YearBeyond is now a national programme that provides unemployed youth (18-25 years old) with meaningful work experience and a pathway to further studies or work while encouraging a culture of community service.
YearBeyond has two beneficiaries:
Youth who are supported to transition from being NEETs to economically active residents.
Communities, especially children, learners, and families, in vulnerable areas to whom services are extended.
Through their service, youth on the Programme, called YeBoneers, tackle challenges communities face in education, social cohesion, and wellbeing.

YearBeyond History
The longest running programme is YeBo Education which was launched in 2015. This programme trains bright and motivated young people to serve as teacherS’ assistants and tutors running after school literacy and numeracy programmes for grade 3 and 4 learners in under-resourced schools across the Western Cape. Operating in almost 100 low and no-fee schools across the province, the programme deploys 500 young people who serve 8 000 learners annually.
In 2018 the programme expanded to YeBo Scouting, in 2020 to Data Administration and in 2021 the programme will expand to YeBo Health.
In 2019, an independent evaluation study found significant positive impact for young people and the learners they supported on the YeBo Education programme:
81% of YeBoneers had greater clarity on career options, and 95% were motivated to study further.
82% of YeBoneers had successfully pathwayed into work or studies.
YeBoneers are absorbed into the economy relatively quickly, with the average time between YeBo participation and employment being 2.8 months.
57% of YeBoneers found employment post the programme, and 43% are paying income tax.
47% of YeBoneers were studying post the programme, some full-time and some part-time. 19% had already upgraded to a higher level National Qualification Framework (NQF) qualification.
Participating learners in primary schools showed statistically significant improvements in performance in Maths and English.

YeBo Stories
Gain an insight into the YeBo programme and its people!